
Robert Frost Poems in Urdu - Urdu Summary, Analysis - American Literature Poetry in Urdu

Robert Frost Poems in Urdu - Urdu Summary, Analysis - American Literature Poetry in Urdu

        In this page, we shall learn about the Robert Frost Biography & his famous poems which got fame whole in the world are describe in Urdu Easy Language. In this page you can read following material in Urdu.
       As we know Robert Frost is the best poet of the American Poetry. He was born on 1874 in American City of California. He spent his initial life about 10 years on a farm. In his poetry we can realize the taste of past. He wrote much about the life which he spent at farm in his first age. He wrote much about stones. roads, apple & villages because his past belongs to all these things. He express nature simplicity and beauty in a very natural way. He expresses a relation between man and nature in his poetry. In first reading we learn that he is very simple poet but when we focus on his poetry, we can realize that his poetry gives double meanings as the nature and the relation with man. Thus, we can say that he simple expresses the beauty of nature, villages & human relations through his poetry.

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  1. The literary poetry in Urdu allows the authors to express their inner world and embody the realities of life in veiled images. Each work is very emotional


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