▉ Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller Summary in Urdu - Summary & Analysis - eCarepk.com
In this play, Arthur Miller an American playwright, portrays the story of a unsuccessful man. In this play, he depicts the actual situation behind the America Super Power, which dehumanizes the humanity. Where no body cares about the others, only money is everything. People are now become too materialistic, so they don't care about the human relations at all. In this play Willy Loman is the Hero of the play who is a common individual in the America, who believes that, to be successful in life, a man should have good moral character so he nourishes their children Happy & Biff, by following this belief. Moreover, in the end of life he realizes that, good character in not enough to be successful in life, money is everything, through which you can buy everything e.g beauty, fame etc.
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