Chapter 15
1. Define inheritance?
Ans. Characteristics that are transmitted from parents to offspring is known as inheritance.
2. Define genetics?
Ans. Genetics is a branch of biology in which Inheritance characteristics are study.
3. What is chromatin?
Ans. Complex of protein and Dna material.Dna wrap around histone protein and make a round known as nucleosome.
4. What is DNA replication?
Ans. During DNA replication double strand of DNA open and isolated these ends act as a two templates and make polynucleotide these new strand make double helix.
5. Write short note on transcription?
Ans. In transcription specific protein contain specific sequence and these sequence contain nucleotide and produce copy of mRNA nucleotide.
6. What is translation?
Ans. Give instructions for protein making is called translation.
7. Differentiate between genotype and phenotypes?
Ans. Genotype is a combination of genes with in individual and phenotype is a expression of these genes.
8. What is difference between homozygous and heterozygous?
Ans. In homozygous same pair of alleles are present and heterozygous different pairs of alleles are present.
9. Write the mendel law of inheritance?
Ans. In mendel law of inheritance special factors are present which are transfer from parents to offspring and control their traits in organisms.
10. Write mendel law of segregation?
Ans. In law of segregation cross the two plants which one contrasting trait monohybrid trait shape of the seed round and wrinkle and make cross between them first generation is round seed and take a cross f1 and then found round wrinkle combination of seed.
11. What is co-dominace?
Ans. Both different alleles pairs express completely is known as co dominace for e.g blood group of A and B combine AB blood type.
12. Define incomplete dominance?
Ans. Both alleles appear as a mixture of traits no domince and no recessive allele is called incomplete dominance.
13. What is theory of special creation?
Ans. According to this theory we can study the ancestors of species and make the relationship of different species among them.
14. Write the properties of Artificial selection?
Ans. Intentional breeding among individuals with desirable characteristics; and
• Discouraging the breeding of individuals with less desirable characteristics.
15. Write the difference between breeds and cultivers?
Ans. Those animals which breed artificial are known as breeds and plant breed artificial known as cultivers or varieties.
16. Write major Two process which involve in organic evolution?
Ans. one is Organism alternation of genetic characteristics acording to time and other is production of new type organisms from single type specie.
17. Define dihybrid cross?
Ans. The cross in which take two traits combination is known as dihybrid cross for example seed shape and seed colour.Round wrinkle yellow and green.
18. Write the difference between recessive and dominant alleles?
Ans. Those alleles which express completely is known as dominat alleles and those which are not express completely is called recessive alleles.
19. Write a note of continuous and discontinuous variation?
Ans. In continuous variation organisms show a comple variation and discontinuous organisms show distinct variation and we can distinguish these varition easy from continous variation blood is a example of discontinuous variation and height intelligent is a continuous variation.
20. Write the features of mendel genetic experiment in generation?
Ans. There should be large variety of different traits we study:
• The organism should have contrasting traits e.g. for e.g height two variation one is tallness and dwarfness.
• The organism should be self-fertilizing but cross fertilization should also bepossible
• The organism should have a short but fast life cycle.

1. Define inheritance?
Ans. Characteristics that are transmitted from parents to offspring is known as inheritance.
2. Define genetics?
Ans. Genetics is a branch of biology in which Inheritance characteristics are study.
3. What is chromatin?
Ans. Complex of protein and Dna material.Dna wrap around histone protein and make a round known as nucleosome.
4. What is DNA replication?
Ans. During DNA replication double strand of DNA open and isolated these ends act as a two templates and make polynucleotide these new strand make double helix.
5. Write short note on transcription?
Ans. In transcription specific protein contain specific sequence and these sequence contain nucleotide and produce copy of mRNA nucleotide.
6. What is translation?
Ans. Give instructions for protein making is called translation.
7. Differentiate between genotype and phenotypes?
Ans. Genotype is a combination of genes with in individual and phenotype is a expression of these genes.
8. What is difference between homozygous and heterozygous?
Ans. In homozygous same pair of alleles are present and heterozygous different pairs of alleles are present.
9. Write the mendel law of inheritance?
Ans. In mendel law of inheritance special factors are present which are transfer from parents to offspring and control their traits in organisms.
10. Write mendel law of segregation?
Ans. In law of segregation cross the two plants which one contrasting trait monohybrid trait shape of the seed round and wrinkle and make cross between them first generation is round seed and take a cross f1 and then found round wrinkle combination of seed.
11. What is co-dominace?
Ans. Both different alleles pairs express completely is known as co dominace for e.g blood group of A and B combine AB blood type.
12. Define incomplete dominance?
Ans. Both alleles appear as a mixture of traits no domince and no recessive allele is called incomplete dominance.
13. What is theory of special creation?
Ans. According to this theory we can study the ancestors of species and make the relationship of different species among them.
14. Write the properties of Artificial selection?
Ans. Intentional breeding among individuals with desirable characteristics; and
• Discouraging the breeding of individuals with less desirable characteristics.
15. Write the difference between breeds and cultivers?
Ans. Those animals which breed artificial are known as breeds and plant breed artificial known as cultivers or varieties.
16. Write major Two process which involve in organic evolution?
Ans. one is Organism alternation of genetic characteristics acording to time and other is production of new type organisms from single type specie.
17. Define dihybrid cross?
Ans. The cross in which take two traits combination is known as dihybrid cross for example seed shape and seed colour.Round wrinkle yellow and green.
18. Write the difference between recessive and dominant alleles?
Ans. Those alleles which express completely is known as dominat alleles and those which are not express completely is called recessive alleles.
19. Write a note of continuous and discontinuous variation?
Ans. In continuous variation organisms show a comple variation and discontinuous organisms show distinct variation and we can distinguish these varition easy from continous variation blood is a example of discontinuous variation and height intelligent is a continuous variation.
20. Write the features of mendel genetic experiment in generation?
Ans. There should be large variety of different traits we study:
• The organism should have contrasting traits e.g. for e.g height two variation one is tallness and dwarfness.
• The organism should be self-fertilizing but cross fertilization should also bepossible
• The organism should have a short but fast life cycle.
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